Auto Immune Friendly Sweets
Let's Take this Journey Together
Hi, I'm Amanda! In 2023, I founded Damn Good Thyme with the intentions of sharing the recipes and products that help me in healing my autoimmune disease. As I began to heal I began to accept and become so thankful for the journey I went through in order to be where I am at today. This page that once began as a simple journal to document recipes, is now a haven for individuals looking to embark on their own wellness journey.
After years of struggling, I am now a true believer that living with an autoimmune disease does not mean living a life of restriction. My passion lies in sharing my healing journey and the idea that we live in a beautiful and delicate synergistic relationship with our bodies. Meaning, the more we take care of it and nourish it, the more it will take care of us.
I invite you to become a part of our growing community, where each recipe, each story, and each shared experience is a step towards a more wholesome life. Let's embark on this journey together, and have a damn good thyme every step of the way!
Four weeks of AIP Compliant meals, carefully designed to be quick and easy to ensure you stay on track.